Freelancers for charities

How to make Blume work for you

Be clear. Then even more clear

Specify exact outcomes, formats, deadlines and fees before you agree to proceed with a task. Don’t be shy about asking for more details before you get going. This way, all parties know what is expected of them and when. 

Be responsive

You are more likely to seal the deal if you can respond quickly and clearly to the buyer, setting out how you can meet their needs.

Be fussy

If your potential employer finds clarity difficult, or is unwilling to be specific, then consider declining the task.  If the client is not clear about expectations from the start, then it may be hard to produce results that satisfy them.

Be flexible

Things can change, so be open to reasonable requests. Keep all communication on the Blume platform, and then there is always a record of what has changed and when. If changes involve shorter deadlines, or an increased workload, then you are entitled to think about revising your fee too.


Once details are finalised and you agree to these, then you are committed to delivering what has been promised.  As a platform for professionals, Blume also expects you to deliver results of the highest quality, just as you would do in any work environment. Integrity and dedication are always valued.

And one last thing ...

Keep in touch!  Tell us what your experiences are like and how they can be improved.  Blume is a service for you just as it is for the buyers so we want to hear the good, the bad and the ugly from you.