Experienced Freelancers for Charities
Interim | Part-time | Projects
100s of vetted freelancers available
Used by more than 100 UK Charities
What do you need help with?
Blume connects you with the best freelancers for Interim, Part-time or Project work
Charity Finance
SORP Account Preparation , SORP Audit, Management Accounts
25 Blumers ready to help
Trusts and foundations, Community fundraising, Events management
105 Blumers ready to help
HR Support
Recruitment, Policies, Employment law
27 Blumers ready to help
Marketing and Comms
Google Ad Grants, PR, Marketing Strategy
93 Blumers ready to help
Office Support
Diary management, Call handling, Event management
50 Blumers ready to help
Senior Support
Strategy review, Strategy development, Mentoring
129 Blumers ready to help
How it works
It's easy to get started, and you can always contact us if you need help.
Post a project
Tell us what you need in five simple steps
Find a Blumer
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Agree project
Discuss the details, timing and fee using our intuitive system (and by talking!)
Kick off the project
Accept a proposal and get going!