Freelancers for charities

Webinar: Five charity leadership lessons - Rushanara Ali MP

Rushanara Ali has been the MP for Bethnal Green and Bow since 2010.   She is also the founder and chair of two successful charities, Uprising and One Million Mentors. 

A picture of Rushanara Ali MP from our Webinar

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In this webinar she shared the five leadership lessons below and also discussed:

  • how her charity experiences have informed her political life
  • the differences between managing conflict in the charity sector and in politics
  • how to chair as a founder without getting in the way

Five leadership lessons: 

  1. Be comfortable dealing with conflict – if you’re the leader in an organisation you’ve got to make decisions and arbitrate conflict 
  1. Set boundaries and accountabilities very clearly – especially if you’re growing 
  1. Check that you are more proactive than reactive – if it’s the other way round, you need to plan more 
  1. Plan for the worst – it will give you confidence and help you confront the worst if it happens 
  1. Raise a million and write a newsletter – you have to get the money but remember to nurture the relationships at the same time