funder + blume = Resilience
By Alexander Stevenson
Workload (aka Resilience) is the number one challenge faced by small charities
In every year that the FSI ran its survey, small charities identified workload - and not funding - as their number one challenge by a huge margin.
It is easy to understand why.
Overworked staff and under-nurtured organisations present an existential threat to sustainability .
Excessive workload is the enemy of resilience.
No wonder it is the area in which small charities would like most help.
Meeting the workload challenge
Relieving workload is not about offering training in the hope that this will enable charities to work more efficiently – though sometimes it can help.
It is also not primarily about providing strategic support to help prioritise time. Sometimes this can help but sometimes it can hinder by adding to the workload of senior staff.
In fact relieving workload is mostly about making it easier for small charities to hire people who can actually do the work. Too often small charity leaders end up absorbing additional work themselves or ignoring it altogether rather than face the faff and uncertainty of finding the right level of support for the right price at the right time.
Blume strips these obstacles away. We make it easy for small charities to find expert, affordable, capacity whenever they need it.
Three and a half ways for Foundations and Blume to work together
First, please tell your grantees that we are here to relieve their workload.
Thirdly, partner with us. We can curate a team of Blumers who will be available at fixed rates for all your grantees and can be called off as and when required.
Finally (the half), we have ambitious plans to become a major and permanent part of the small charity ecosystem. We would happily share these and see if there are ways in which we can work together to achieve the goal of a resilient small charity sector.
Please get in touch if you would like to find out more.